Field course in Marine Biology

Our annual field course in Marine Biology, which took place at the Marine Research Center in Kerteminde from the 25th to 29th September, saw 15 Masters students designing and carrying out independent research projects. This year, the students were tasked with trying to answer the question: ‘How do extreme weather events impact coastal ecosystems?

The projects explored the impacts of marine heatwaves, desiccation, and floods on aquatic photosynthesis, disentangling the complex multivariate effects of climate change on key primary producers.

Following a great week of science in Kerteminde with sunny skies and calm seas, the students must now interpret their many flux calculations, nutrient concentrations, and statistical analyses and present their reports at the end of October.

The course was made a success in no small part by co-instructors, PhD students Leah, Lisbeth, and Jack, as well as staff at Nordcee and at the Marine Research Center in Kerteminde. Thank you!


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