PNAS Perspective on Québec Science list of most important papers for 2024
Our Perspective paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was listed among Québec Science’s ten most important papers for 2024.
As part of its 32nd Annual Awards ceremony, the popular science magazine Québec Science listed our Perspective paper entitled ‘Seafloor primary production in a changing Arctic Ocean’ among the ten most important scientific discoveries for 2024.
The award celebrates scientific discoveries that involve one or more research teams based in Canada’s Québec region. This work involved close collaboration with two teams in Québec: TAKUVIK at Université Laval and with the Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR).
The Perspective paper was credited with highlighting the complex effects of climate change on Arctic light availability and primary production, exposing both the importance and the vulnerabilities of a component of Arctic ecosystems that remains largely understudied.
Article from Québec Science: (in french)
Link to PNAS paper:
Link to blog post about paper:
Seafloor contributions to Arctic Ocean primary production
The Perspective highlighted the importance of seafloor (benthic) primary producers in sustaining ocean ecosystems in a changing climate.